All posts in Physical Therapy

Inexpensive treatment for low back pain

Inexpensive treatment for low back pain

Back pain is one of the most common problems we experience. In fact, it’s estimated that 8 out of every 10 of us will experience back pain at some point in their lives. It’s the number one reason for missing days at work and the number two reason for people to consult with their doctors (number one is upper respiratory infection). While the causes of low back pain are numerous, the treatments to get rid of it are just as plentiful. These treatments can range from incredibly expensive all the way down to simple lifestyle changes! Often when people come in to our PT clinics I find most patients’ back pain can be reduced by these very simple solutions;  many of which cost little to no money. Today on the Fit Stop Blog, one of our back pain specialists, Cameron Garber, PT, DPT, is sharing a few of his favorite inexpensive tips for getting rid of back pain. How many of them will help your pain…?


What is a muscle cramp and how to prevent them

What is a muscle cramp and how to prevent them

We’ve all experienced it before.  Whether it woke you up from a dead sleep, pushed long and hard on the basketball court, or have been putting in extra miles in preparation for that upcoming race, muscle cramping can be debilitating  and very painful.  Cramps can literally, stop us right in our tracks, and put us out of the game.  Luckily, the pain is typically brief, lasting for a few seconds until we are able to simply “stretch it out”.  But what is the deal with muscle cramps anyway?  And most importantly, is there anything that can be done to prevent them in the first place?  Today on the Fit Stop blog one of our experts, Toby Bluth, PT, DPT, will answer all your questions about muscle cramping – what they are, why you get them, and how you can prevent them!


What is a sprain and what can I do about it?

What is a sprain and what can I do about it?

Most of us have been there before; many of us probably didn’t even realize it. Maybe it happened while you were playing soccer. Football? It might have been while skiing, playing basketball, running, slipping, tripping, or even simply reaching up and over your head (trust me – we’ve seen it all). Today we’ve got one of our sports injury specialists, Jared Beckstrand, PT, DPT,  talking all about ligament sprains – what they are, how you get them, and some advice about some of your options once you have one! A word of advice – don’t call your surgeon until you’ve read this through!!


Does spinal decompression therapy work?

Does spinal decompression therapy work?

You may have heard about non-surgical spinal decompression on TV or radio ads.  You may have heard the claims that it can be a wonderful miracle which eliminates your back and neck pain. The truth is…it can be.  If spinal decompression is the right treatment for you it can be a critical component in relieving your pain.  It can also backfire and increase your symptoms.  The question lies in whether or not it is the right treatment for you.  As the experts in musculoskeletal treatment, your physical therapist is the best choice for learning if spinal decompression will help treat your symptoms. Today one of our spine care specialists, Cameron Garber, PT, DPT is sharing some insight into this treatment method so you can make an educated decision on whether or not it’s right for you.


How to treat your low back pain

How to treat your low back pain

One of the best parts of my job as a physical therapist is the opportunity I have to get to know my patients on a personal level.  Physical therapists are unique in the healthcare field because we are able to spend a significant amount of one-on-one time with each of our patients (typical visits last about an hour).  In comparison to the busy world of medicine, this is a welcome change of pace for patients.  During this time together, I enjoy hearing their stories.  I find the history behind my patient’s physical challenges and rehabilitation truly inspirational.  A fairly unique aspect about working in such close proximity to a health club at the Fit Stop is to be able to see my patients through the transition from rehabilitation to wellness in the gym.  I get excited when I see that transition happen!


How to decrease neck tension and headache

How to decrease neck tension and headache

I have a question for all of you fellow laptop cradlers and cell phone junkies:  Are you often plagued by neck or shoulder pain or tightness which slowly works its way up the back of your head and becomes a nagging headache?  Often you eventually feel the headache settle behind your eyes and you can even get blurry vision.  More often than not you blame it on your desk, on staring at the computer screen or on your work.  Although these are contributing factors, the biggest problem is with your posture!  Today one of our spine specialists, Cameron Garber, PT, DPT is talking all about shoulder and neck tension/pain – what it is, why you get it, and what you can do to eliminate it!


5 Great Stretches For Low Back Pain

5 Great Stretches For Low Back Pain

Who amongst us hasn’t experienced some degree of low back pain before? Collectively it’s the most-common complaint we see in our physical therapy clinics. Luckily there’s a lot that PT can do for it, and all it starts with stretching structures that are tight and strengthening areas that are weak. Today one of our low back pain experts, Jared Beckstrand, PT, DPT is sharing 5 of his favorite stretches to help relax that tight back and alleviate some of the pain you may be experiencing. Read more below!


Physical Therapy Treatment For Dizziness / Vertigo

Physical Therapy Treatment For Dizziness / Vertigo

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Question – what do the following 3 sentences have in common…

“It feels like the room is spinning…”
“Whenever I stand up, sit down, or lay down it starts…”
“I’m not too sure why my doctor sent me to you…”

Answer – they’re the most-often said sentences in a physical therapy clinic from our balance patients! Did you know that PT’s not only treat vertigo, but it is actually one of the few conditions out there that is treated extremely effectively and quickly if diagnosed and treated correctly.  Today one of our balance specialists, Toby Bluth, PT, DPT, explains what this condition is and how physical therapists can help eliminate the annoying (and sometimes outright dangerous) symptoms that come along with it.


Do Inversion Tables Help Low Back Pain

Do Inversion Tables Help Low Back Pain

Will an Inversion Table help my Low Back Pain?

As a physical therapist, I have heard many, many very interesting treatment approaches for low back pain (LBP).  We as human beings have actually gotten pretty creative in treating LBP.  From the more mainstream approaches of modern medicine, to the more “alternative” approach, there is much to choose from out there.  Because of the myriad of options, it can be pretty difficult to know exactly where to start, and what to focus on.  Today one of our back pain specialists, Toby Bluth, PT, DPT, weighs in on one of these treatments – inversion tables. Learn the how, why, and what behind this treatment and whether or not you could benefit from it! Keep reading for more…


5 Most Common Types Of Hip Pain

5 Most Common Types Of Hip Pain

In our Fit Stop clinics one regular complaint that we hear from our patients and gym members is related to hip pain.  Whether it occurs in the front, the side, or the back – it’s amazing how debilitating pain in this area can be! One would think that issues in this area should be fairly straight-forward to rehabilitate.  However, given the multiple muscles, tendons, joints, and bones that are located in this area this pain can actually be quite tricky to diagnose. Today we have one of our orthopedic specialists, Toby Bluth, PT, DPT, here to discuss the 5 most common kinds of hip pain as well as the most likely cause of that pain. Keep reading for more!
