All Posts tagged cramp

What is a muscle cramp and how to prevent them

What is a muscle cramp and how to prevent them

We’ve all experienced it before.  Whether it woke you up from a dead sleep, pushed long and hard on the basketball court, or have been putting in extra miles in preparation for that upcoming race, muscle cramping can be debilitating  and very painful.  Cramps can literally, stop us right in our tracks, and put us out of the game.  Luckily, the pain is typically brief, lasting for a few seconds until we are able to simply “stretch it out”.  But what is the deal with muscle cramps anyway?  And most importantly, is there anything that can be done to prevent them in the first place?  Today on the Fit Stop blog one of our experts, Toby Bluth, PT, DPT, will answer all your questions about muscle cramping – what they are, why you get them, and how you can prevent them!
