All posts in Fitness

5 Exercises Every Runner Should Be Doing

5 Exercises Every Runner Should Be Doing

I love this time of year – the sun is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, the trees and flowers are blooming, and spring is in full swing. Of course with spring comes the start of a different time of the year… RUNNING SEASON! It’s time to get the running shoes out and get out there and hit the road! Did you know you can actually run longer, faster, and injury-free if you’re strong in the right muscle groups? We’ve got our resident running expert, Jared Beckstrand, PT, DPT here with us today discussing 5 essential exercises that every runner needs to be doing. And they are…


When Should I See Someone About My Back Pain?

When Should I See Someone About My Back Pain?

How many of you have ever had an injury? Okay, okay – put all your hands down. Now how many of you have had an injury that lasted a little longer than normal? Maybe you thought “if I just rest it and give it time it will get better on its own” and then after 2, 3, 6, even 24 weeks it was still hurting you. It honestly happens to all of us. But what if there were a way to know when you should probably call up your doc for an injury that just won’t get better on its own? Well you’re in luck – today we’ve got one of our resident back pain specialists, Cameron Garber, PT, DPT here discussing important signs that will indicate to you whether your back will get better on its own with time or if you need to jump on the phone and get an appointment scheduled…


Strengthen the hips to keep the low back and knees healthy

Strengthen the hips to keep the low back and knees healthy

As a physical therapist, I am in the business of prescribing exercise.  It is something I do all the time – all day, every day.  As a physical therapist, I am also in the business of treating pain related to the joints in the back and knees.  These two joints contribute a good portion of the pain that a lot of us experience every day.  At the Fit Stop,  these two areas (back and knees) make up the largest portion of what we treat every day. That being said, it may come as something of a surprise, that when I prescribe exercise for these two joints, a good chunk of those exercises actually have to do with the hip joints.  Does this make sense?  I believe it makes a lot of sense.  Today, one of our orthopedic specialists, Toby Bluth, will explain why we look to the hips when we treat back and knee pain, and share a few of his favorite hip exercises with you.


Top 10 Best Exercises For Reducing Low Back Pain

Top 10 Best Exercises For Reducing Low Back Pain

Approximately 60% of all Physical Therapy visits nation-wide are for the treatment of low-back or neck pain.  This means we see A LOT of patients with back pain in our Fit Stop clinics.  It also means that physical therapists are leaders in the field of best treatment options for the management of your low back pain. Today Cameron Garber, PT, DPT is sharing some of the best exercises you can do at home to treat your back pain and get it under control. Keep reading for more!


Best Pre-season Routines For Little League Baseball Players

Best Pre-season Routines For Little League Baseball Players

“Pitchers and catchers reporting!” I love to hear the sports announcers say it. It means that baseball is right around the corner. Though there is still snow on the ground in some states, kids, parents, and coaches are starting to get their arms ready for the rigors of the baseball season ahead.

The overhead throwing motion is a very unnatural motion. Furthermore, for a growing &  developing athlete, growth plates have not fully developed. It is important for even the highest level baseball player to work through a gradual process of arm strengthening exercises to improve accuracy during the pre-season and remain consistent throughout the competitions. Today one of our throwing rehab specialists, Tyler Bluth, PT, MPT is discussing 5 important tips to ensure your little leaguer enjoys a healthy, productive season playing at his/her finest! Keep reading for more!


How to avoid exercise-related injury

How to avoid exercise-related injury

Most of us have been through the cycle before. You’ve come to realize you need to start working out regularly in order to get healthier. Your new workout plan is going great for a couple of weeks when suddenly – WHAMMO – something starts hurting that didn’t hurt before you started. You take some time off rehabbing this injury and after a  couple of weeks it starts to feel better, but you fail to pick up your fitness routine where you left off. Suddenly you’re back to your same old ways – thinking maybe one day again you’ll try working out.

As a doctor of physical therapy I see a lot of patients for a lot of different reasons. Some of these injuries are traumatic; some develop slowly over time. But I can say with a certain degree of confidence that many (if not most) of these injuries could actually be avoided if people would stick to the following six tips:


What is a muscle cramp and how to prevent them

What is a muscle cramp and how to prevent them

We’ve all experienced it before.  Whether it woke you up from a dead sleep, pushed long and hard on the basketball court, or have been putting in extra miles in preparation for that upcoming race, muscle cramping can be debilitating  and very painful.  Cramps can literally, stop us right in our tracks, and put us out of the game.  Luckily, the pain is typically brief, lasting for a few seconds until we are able to simply “stretch it out”.  But what is the deal with muscle cramps anyway?  And most importantly, is there anything that can be done to prevent them in the first place?  Today on the Fit Stop blog one of our experts, Toby Bluth, PT, DPT, will answer all your questions about muscle cramping – what they are, why you get them, and how you can prevent them!


What is a sprain and what can I do about it?

What is a sprain and what can I do about it?

Most of us have been there before; many of us probably didn’t even realize it. Maybe it happened while you were playing soccer. Football? It might have been while skiing, playing basketball, running, slipping, tripping, or even simply reaching up and over your head (trust me – we’ve seen it all). Today we’ve got one of our sports injury specialists, Jared Beckstrand, PT, DPT,  talking all about ligament sprains – what they are, how you get them, and some advice about some of your options once you have one! A word of advice – don’t call your surgeon until you’ve read this through!!


How to treat your low back pain

How to treat your low back pain

One of the best parts of my job as a physical therapist is the opportunity I have to get to know my patients on a personal level.  Physical therapists are unique in the healthcare field because we are able to spend a significant amount of one-on-one time with each of our patients (typical visits last about an hour).  In comparison to the busy world of medicine, this is a welcome change of pace for patients.  During this time together, I enjoy hearing their stories.  I find the history behind my patient’s physical challenges and rehabilitation truly inspirational.  A fairly unique aspect about working in such close proximity to a health club at the Fit Stop is to be able to see my patients through the transition from rehabilitation to wellness in the gym.  I get excited when I see that transition happen!


Physical Therapy Treatment For Dizziness / Vertigo

Physical Therapy Treatment For Dizziness / Vertigo

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Question – what do the following 3 sentences have in common…

“It feels like the room is spinning…”
“Whenever I stand up, sit down, or lay down it starts…”
“I’m not too sure why my doctor sent me to you…”

Answer – they’re the most-often said sentences in a physical therapy clinic from our balance patients! Did you know that PT’s not only treat vertigo, but it is actually one of the few conditions out there that is treated extremely effectively and quickly if diagnosed and treated correctly.  Today one of our balance specialists, Toby Bluth, PT, DPT, explains what this condition is and how physical therapists can help eliminate the annoying (and sometimes outright dangerous) symptoms that come along with it.
