By fitstoppt 07 Aug, 2015 Advice, Exercise, FAQ, Health, Injury, Physical Therapy, Shoulder Pain arm, exercise, fitness, physical therapy, shoulder, tendinitis, tendonitis, upper body, warm up, workout Chances are pretty good that at some point or another, you have experienced shoulder pain. In fact, it’s one of the top three complaints we typically see here in our physical therapy clinic. It seems like everything from throwing and working overhead to even just sleeping on it wrong can cause some shoulder pain. So at what point do we need to be concerned that it’s serious? How can we differentiate between “shoulder pain” which will go away in 1-2 weeks versus something more serious like your rotator cuff? Well today Tyler Bluth, PT, MPT, sheds a little light on that subject. Read all about what it rotator cuff pain and what you should do if you suspect you might have it:
More By fitstoppt 20 Jul, 2015 Advice, Exercise, FAQ, Fitness, Health Tips, Shoulder Pain arm, exercise, fitness, physical therapy, shoulder, upper body, warm up, workout The scenario is all too common. You’re pushing for one last repetition in the gym on a bench press (or maybe an overhead shoulder press) and you’re stopped by a sudden, immediate pain in the front of your shoulder as that last effort is made to push the weight up. Of course immediately after this pain comes the subsequent frustration from the inability to continue to lift because of that dang shoulder pain. I see it all the time as a physical therapist and have even experienced it myself. It is frustrating. Today on the Fit Stop Blog, Toby Bluth, PT, DPT is sharing a shoulder warm up with us to hopefully avoid this pain, increase your workout tolerance, and help take your fitness to new levels. Keep reading for more…