By fitstoppt 08 Jan, 2016 Advice, Exercise, Fitness, Health, Tips, Wellness active, exercise, fitness, health, healthy, new year, resolution, wellness Ah, New Year’s. A time where we’re encouraged look back on the year that was and make some changes for the year that is coming. Did you know that the most commonly-made New Year’s resolutions have to deal with you health and fitness? Regardless of where you are on the fitness spectrum, all of us could benefit from some renewed goals and amplified commitment. Today one of our health and wellness experts, Jared Beckstrand, PT, DPT is sharing 5 fitness resolutions that you should make for 2016 to make it the healthiest yet!
More By fitstoppt 28 Dec, 2015 Advice, Exercise, FAQ, Fitness, Health, Health Tips, Wellness active, exercise, fitness, healthy, how to, winter Well, it’s that time of the year again. The Christmas tree has been taken down and New Year’s party preparations are in full swing. Along with the New Year’s celebrations typically come New Year’s resolutions – this is a time for us all to pause and reflect on our lives and things we want to do better in the upcoming year. Inevitably the most-made resolution is to “lose weight” or “be more healthy” – but rarely do people come up with a concrete plan on how to make that happen. One of the best ways to improve your fitness is to increase your daily activity and make this change permanent. I know sometimes it’s difficult to get in some activity in the winter months, but it certainly doesn’t have be! Today on the Fit Stop Blog one of our exercise specialists, Jared Beckstrand, PT, DPT, is sharing 5 of the absolute best ways to increase your daily activity even when the weather outside is frightful! Keep reading for more!
More By fitstoppt 14 Dec, 2015 At Home, Exercise, Fitness, Health, Healthcare, Injury, Pain Management, Physical Therapy, Shoulder Pain exercise, fitness, frozen, injury, pain, physical therapy, rehab, shoulder Today on the Fit Stop Blog I would like to discuss one of the most painful conditions that I see regularly – the dreaded, miserable, absolutely debilitating – frozen shoulder (FS), (AKA adhesive capsulitis). Now, FS is truly a painful son of a gun. Growing up as the son of a physical therapist, I used to observe my father from time to time in the clinic. I remember watching him work with these poor patients who had FS, and they would be in tears from the stretching. I used to think to myself, well, that doesn’t look like a whole lot of fun, for either patient or therapist! I wondered if the field of PT was really for me after observing some of those treatments. Well, fast forward a few years later, and here I am blogging about this all-too-common condition. FS is a very interesting condition, and actually not very well understood. Today, I will discuss what it is, and why we think certain people actually get it.
More By fitstoppt 12 Nov, 2015 Advice, Exercise, FAQ, Fitness, Health, Health Tips, Wellness advice, education, exercise, frequency, health, healthcare, how often, tip One of the questions that we often get asked as physical therapists is “how often should I workout”? Most of the time this question comes from patients/people who are either just starting to workout or else have desires to start to workout more regularly. Well today one of our fitness specialists, Jared Beckstrand, PT, DPT is sharing his thoughts about exercise frequency – what’s the recommended amount of activity you should be getting and how often should you be working out. Keep reading for more…
More By fitstoppt 02 Nov, 2015 Advice, Exercise, FAQ, Health, Health Tips, Healthcare, Injury, Physical Therapy, Shoulder Pain best, injury, options, pain, physical therapy, rotator cuff, shoulder, treatment As a physical therapist, I enjoy hearing the different terminology for the rotator cuff (RC): “I think I tore my rotor cup” is one of my favorites. However, the thought of a torn rotator cuff is never amusing and with good reason conjures up fear and worry. In today’s post here on the Fit Stop Blog, our shoulder specialist – Toby Bluth, PT, DPT – is discussing the rotator cuff. What is it? Why is it so important? And finally, what should be done if you suspect or have been told that you have a torn rotator cuff?
More By fitstoppt 19 Oct, 2015 Advice, At Home, Exercise, Fitness, Health Tips, Physical Therapy, Strength Training, Workout core, exercise, fitness, hip, knee, leg, ski, slope, snowboard, strength, strong Be sure to follow Fit Stop Physical Therapy on Facebook!

Are you ready?
The weather has definitely taken a turn here in Utah! Like the fall leaves the temperatures are dropping as winter is fast-approaching. In fact I woke up the other day and, while driving my 8 and 6-year-olds to school, noticed there was some snow up on the mountain tops. They perfectly summed up my feelings about the upcoming season when they literally replied in unison… “SNOW!!! Dad can we go skiing?!?!”
While there may not be enough white stuff to shred just yet, we know that it is coming! Are you ready?! Some of the most-common injuries we encounter through the winter are skiing/snowboarding related. Fortunately, many of these injuries can be avoided with the proper strengthening in key muscle groups of your legs, hips, and core. Today on The Fit Stop Blog, one of our outdoor recreation specialists, Jared Beckstrand, PT, DPT, is sharing 10 of the best exercises you can do to get ready for the upcoming ski/snowboard season. Get started right now to ensure an entire season of fun, healthy shredding!
More By fitstoppt 12 Oct, 2015 Advice, Exercise, FAQ, Fitness, Health Tips, Physical Therapy, Running, Weight Loss, Wellness cardio, enhance, exercise, fitness, how to, increase, strength, workout Ever felt frustrated with your lack of results from exercising?
Did you know that as physical therapists we do a lot more than injury rehab? While pain is the most common issue that we treat, oftentimes people will come to us looking for exercise advice as well. Frequently we hear a story similar to “I’ve been working out for a couple of months now and at first the progress was great. However recently the results have started to slow down. Any idea why?” If you’ve ever felt this way you’re not alone! Luckily, we have the solution! Today one of our exercise and activity specialists,
Jared Beckstrand, PT, DPT, is sharing 6 ways that you can enhance your workout efforts and start seeing great results again!
More By fitstoppt 28 Sep, 2015 Advice, Exercise, Injury, Physical Therapy, Shoulder Pain, Wellness advice, arm, exercise, fitness, health, home, inflammation, injury, pain, physical therapy, PT, rehab, shoulder, symptoms, tendinitis, tendonitis, treatment “Shoulder pain” can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. For some it means rest, don’t use it for three days, and maybe it will go away. For others it might be a signal that “I just need to go work it out and it will feel better”. But how do you really know which treatment is right for you? Today on the Fit Stop Blog, Tyler Bluth, PT, MPT is sharing his thoughts on shoulder tendonitis = what if is, why you get it, and some simple steps you can take to help it to feel better. Keep reading for more:
More By fitstoppt 25 Sep, 2015 Core Strength, Exercise, Fitness, Health, Physical Therapy, Running, Workout exercise, fitness, health, muscle, run, runner, strength, workout As a physical therapist, I saw a lot of runners in my clinic with running-related pain. The most common injuries that I see are IT band pain, knee pain, and foot/ankle problems. Inevitably during the conversation with these patients we get to the topic of working out. “So what do you do for exercise,” I ask. “Well I run,” is most-often the answer. People often don’t realize this one key concept – you need to be strong in order to run! Your legs and core have to be strong in order to support your body and sustain running 1,3, 6, 13, or 26 miles!! Today on the Fit Stop Blog, our running specialist, Jared Beckstrand, PT, DPT is sharing 5 of the best core exercises for runners to keep you strong, healthy, and out on the road! Keep reading for more…
More By fitstoppt 24 Sep, 2015 Advice, Core Strength, Exercise, Fitness, Strength Training, Workout exercise, fitness, muscle, strength, workout Have a sore shoulder? Or maybe as a runner, your knee has started to bother you out of the blue, and you just don’t know why? Or maybe it’s that back or neck that just won’t get better? As a physical therapist, I deal with these problems all of the time, and I know how frustrating these aches and pains can be. They can really set us back and prevent us from doing what we enjoy most. However, I am a firm believer in the benefits of strength training and how it relates to pain. Simply put, people hurt less (and reduce the risk of these injuries in the first place) by moving more and improving/maintaining muscle strength. Even the most active among us (most often times ,the avid runner) have muscle weaknesses that need to be addressed.
So what are the muscle groups that get neglected the most-often? Today one of our sports-rehab specialists, Toby Bluth, PT, DPT, shares 5 of the most often-neglected muscle groups and how to strengthen them. Keep reading for more…